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Introduction to the RSP Handbook

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The Registry Service Provider (RSP) Handbook describes the evaluation process for RSPs to become qualified to offer services for new generic top-level domain (gTLD) applicants through the New gTLD Program: Next Round.  The handbook guides potential RSP applicants through the RSP evaluation process, offering information on the requirements to operate an RSP, timelines and expectations of evaluation and testing, and criteria and eligibility for RSP applicants.

The RSP Handbook version 1.2 can be found here.
Note: ICANN org will submit the RSP Handbook version 1.2 to the ICANN Board for consideration.

Please note: The Eligibility Criteria referenced in section 3.1, the Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest guidelines referenced in section 6.3, and Terms and Conditions referenced in section 8 of the RSP Handbook, will be published here as addendums to the RSP Handbook when these sections are finalized.

RSP fee

Per Recommendation 6.8 of the Final Report on the new gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process, the RSP Evaluation Program must be funded by those seeking evaluation on a cost-recovery basis. Based on a conservative estimate of the number of RSP applicants as of 03/June/2024, the RSP evaluation fee is estimated at a maximum of $92,000.00.

At the conclusion of the RSP Pre-Evaluation period, the RSP fee will be adjusted to reflect the actual number of RSP applicants at that time based on the RSP fee schedule below. Should the number of RSP applicants warrant a fee reduction, RSP applicants will be refunded the difference as outlined in the table.

RSP Fee Schedule 
Number of RSP ApplicantsRSP fee
0 - 49USD $92,000
50 - 59USD $77,000
60 and aboveUSD $68,500