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RSP Evaluation Program Frequently Asked Questions

Контент доступен только на следующих языках: English

1. What is a Registry Service Provider (RSP)? Copy Icon

An RSP provides one or more of the critical technical services necessary for the operation of a generic top-level domain (gTLD) in a manner that provides for the security and stability of the Internet's Domain Name System (DNS). RSPs are often referred to as the "back-end" or back-end provider for a gTLD registry operation.

2. Does my organization need to provide registry services for a gTLD currently in order to apply to the Registry Service Provider (RSP) program? Copy Icon

No. Organizations do not have to currently provide back-end services for a gTLD, but they do need to be evaluated.

3. If my organization currently provides registry services for a gTLD, will it still need to be evaluated to become an RSP for the next round of new gTLDs? Copy Icon

Yes. If your organization wishes to offer services to applicants in the New gTLD Program: Next Round, it must be evaluated through the RSP Program.

4. How many types of RSPs are there? Copy Icon

There are four types of RSPs:

  1. Main RSPs, which operate the registration database for a gTLD, undertake escrow of domain registration data, and operate the Extensible Provisioning Protocol and Registry Data Access Protocol services for a gTLD. A gTLD can only have one Main RSP.
  2. DNS RSPs, which operate one or more DNS servers for a gTLD. A gTLD may use multiple DNS RSPs.
  3. DNSSEC RSPs, which undertake the cryptographic operations necessary for DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC). A gTLD's DNSSEC RSP may also be its Main RSP or one of its DNS RSPs.
  4. Proxy RSPs, which perform registration validation to comply with applicable local law in a given jurisdiction. Note that this is an optional registry service that must be approved by ICANN. A gTLD may use multiple Proxy RSPs, each of which provides access to a different jurisdiction.

5. Does my organization need to apply to be every type of RSP? Can an RSP provide services to more than one gTLD? Copy Icon

An organization does not need to apply to be every type of RSP. Some organizations may opt to provide only one or several types of service to gTLDs. An RSP may provide services to more than one gTLD.

6. Can an RSP provide services to more than one gTLD? Copy Icon

Yes, an RSP may provide services to more than one gTLD.

7. Can an RSP provide services to a country-code top-level domain (ccTLD)? Copy Icon

There is no prohibition with RSPs providing services to ccTLDs.

8. Can a ccTLD operator apply to be an RSP? Copy Icon

Yes. Many ccTLD operators currently are RSPs for gTLDs.

9. Can a gTLD have more than one DNS RSP? Copy Icon

Yes, a gTLD may have more than one DNS RSP.

10. Can a gTLD be its own RSP? Copy Icon

Yes. A gTLD applicant may operate its own back-end services, but it will still need to be evaluated through the RSP program before their gTLD application can be approved.

11. If my organization is not successful in clearing evaluation, can I apply again? Copy Icon

Yes. Your organization may apply again to become an evaluated RSP and pay a new evaluation fee.

12. Will my organization be added to the list of evaluated RSPs if I cannot successfully clear evaluation before the first publication of the list on 9 December 2025? Copy Icon

Yes, ICANN org will add organizations to the list of RSPs as they clear evaluation, based on the Service Level Target described in the RSP Handbook.

13. Where can I find more information about becoming an RSP? Copy Icon

You can find more information about how to become an RSP in the RSP Handbook.

14. Are all new gTLD applicants required to use RSPs that have been successfully evaluated through the RSP Program? Copy Icon

Yes. Note that the RSP Program will have two evaluation periods: one before the gTLD application submission period and another during the gTLD submission period. New gTLD applicants are required to use RSPs that have been successfully evaluated during either of the evaluation periods.

15. What is the cost of the RSP Evaluation Program? Copy Icon

The RSP Program is funded by those seeking evaluation on a cost-recovery basis. Based on a conservative estimate of the number of RSP applicants. More information on the fee to apply as an RSP can be found here.

16. Is the RSP evaluation fee refundable, for example if the application is not successfully evaluated? Copy Icon

The RSP evaluation fee is non-refundable. However, the payment is only required after the organization has passed the Legal Compliance check (see section 4.1.4 of the RSP Handbook), so organizations not clearing Legal Compliance will not incur any fee.

17. Are the RSP and the gTLD Evaluation fees related? Copy Icon

No, the RSP and the gTLD Evaluation programs are independent programs with separate fees. If an organization plans to apply to become an evaluated RSP and operate gTLDs, it pays the RSP fee once and the gTLD application fee for every gTLD it chooses to apply for.

18. How can my organization apply to be an evaluated RSP? Copy Icon

Applications for the RSP Evaluation Program are required to be submitted through the RSP Portal. Information on the RSP Portal may be found here.

19. Does my organization need to pass all the questions on the RSP Technical Questionnaire to pass the RSP Evaluation? Copy Icon

All questions in the RSP technical questionnaire, for each RSP type, are considered an integral part of the RSP evaluation criteria. Because of this, an applicant must achieve a "pass" on all technical and non-technical question in any particular RSP type.

Per Section 4.1.9 of the RSP handbook, if an answer to a question is assessed to be not sufficiently complete, relevant, or appropriately responsive, ICANN will notify the RSP exactly which question is not satisfactory, at which point the RSP will have 30 days to provide a more satisfactory response.

Should the final assessment still be that the application has not cleared technical screening, the applicant may opt for an "Extended Evaluation" (Section 4.1.9), where they will be given a further opportunity to provide more satisfactory answers to questions that did not pass.

20. What are the rules around partners or suppliers having to be evaluated in the RSP Evaluation Program? Copy Icon

An RSP may have a business relationship with other organizations; for example, an RSP may use a cloud provider for infrastructure needs. 

A gTLD applicant needs to disclose all the RSPs supporting the critical functions, and those RSPs must be successfully evaluated in the RSP program. The different types of RSP can be found in question 4 of this FAQ.

Organizations, such as connectivity or hosting providers, do not need to apply separately in the RSP program, but they may need to be included based on the criteria of the questions.

For example, third-party suppliers of infrastructure, software or personnel may need to be included based on the criteria of the questions. If an applicant runs a registry system in-house but developed by another organization, information about such a system will need to be included in their application based on the criteria of the questions. However, if another organization is running the registry system, the third-party organization must be independently evaluated in the RSP program as a Main RSP.

Main RSP

1. What is the difference between questions MAIN 1.1 and MAIN 1.2 in Appendix A of the RSP Handbook? Copy Icon

Though MAIN 1.1 references ISO 27001, and ISO 27001 describes requirements for an information security management system which is the subject of MAIN 1.2, these are not duplicative questions.

MAIN 1.1 is a Yes or No question asking for attestation of a publicly verifiable, third-party security certification. One such certification may be acquired through ISO 27001 compliance, but there are others.

MAIN 1.2 requires a description of the information security management system, whether or not it is compliant with ISO 27001.

2. What does the term "cryptographic material" mean in question MAIN 1.6 and other questions of Appendix A of the RSP Handbook? Copy Icon

Although this term can be interpreted broadly to encompass physical devices, with respect to the RSP Evaluation Program, this term has the narrow meaning of cryptographic keys and other sensitive data used for cryptographic operations such as DNSSEC signing.

3. What is meant by "at-rest data" or "data at-rest" in Appendix A of the RSP Handbook? Copy Icon

This is a common term used to describe data that is stored. For more information on this topic, please see this webpage from the National Cyber Security Centre.

4. What is meant by "in-transit data" or "data in-transit" in Appendix A of the RSP Handbook? Copy Icon

This is a common term used to describe data as it is being transferred between computing elements. For more information on this topic, please see this webpage from the National Cyber Security Centre.

5. What is the difference between the maintenance of hardware and life cycle of hardware in questions MAIN 2.6 and MAIN 2.8 of Appendix A of the RSP Handbook? Copy Icon

For these questions, maintenance refers to the upkeep and continued operation of hardware after it is provisioned. The life cycle of hardware refers to the acquisition, commissioning, and decommissioning of hardware.

6. What is the difference between the maintenance of software and the development of software in questions MAIN 2.7 and MAIN 2.9 of Appendix A of the RSP Handbook? Copy Icon

Similar to the above question, maintenance refers to the upkeep and ongoing operations of software while development refers to the life cycle of software.

7. What does "automated orchestration" mean in the RSP Handbook? Copy Icon

This is a broad industry term that encompasses software and systems that configure and coordinate the deployment of computer systems. See this Wikipedia entry.

8. Question MAIN.4.11 - Can ICANN clarify what "sustained throughput" means and how long that is? Copy Icon

The period of sustained throughput should be relative to the total capacity the RSP applicant expects to be able to meet. Put simply, if the RSP applicant states that total system capacity is 10K domains, then the period of sustained throughput would be quite different from a system capable of 10M or 100M domains. RSP applicants should include all the information related to their test methodology and describe their reasoning.

Generally, for performance measurements ICANN would expect to see information such as:

  1. Methodologies: A description of the methodology for making the capacity estimates (bandwidth & server) as well as the methodologies for creating the test data.
  2. Bandwidth Capacity: A description of bandwidth capacities and how that correlates to performance capacity.
  3. Server Capacity: A description of how server capacity is measured, the locations of potential bottlenecks, and how those could be mitigated.
  4. Measurements: A description of how the RSP applicant measured the server and bandwidth usage during their test, for example what software and/or equipment was used for measuring, e.g. Prometheus/Grafana, Checkmk, Zabbix, etc.

9. Question MAIN.4.11 - Can ICANN clarify what is being referred to for "raw and materialized data"? Copy Icon

The terms "raw and materialized data" refers to the number of records processed (i.e. number of domains, contacts, hosts) and the total space required to process and store them. The total processing space should include things like data rows, indexes, transaction journal, system logs, etc. This exact list will vary according to the RSP applicant's software choices.


1. What does DNS Registry Service mean in question DNS 4.2 of Appendix A of the RSP Handbook? Copy Icon

This term means the service answering DNS queries.

2. What does question DNS 8.9 of Appendix A of the RSP Handbook mean? Copy Icon

This question is asking for a description of the methods used to assure the proper data is in the DNS zone.

Proxy RSP

1. Are Proxy RSPs required to integrate with ICANN's Zone File Access (ZFA), as mentioned in question PROXY 7.6 of Appendix A of the RSP Handbook? Copy Icon

This is only applicable to Proxy RSPs offering a differentiated or specialized DNS service. Currently no RSP offers such a service, but ZFA is asked in this question should a Proxy RSP propose such a service.

Understanding How Users Work Copy Icon

This section augments the information In Section 4.1.2. "RSP Applicant Onboarding" of the RSP Handbook related to users.

Creating Users

In the RSP portal, users are contacts within the applicant organization that have been invited to join the organization, or the first Primary User who created the organization originally. Users must have an ICANN Account that matches the email address of the contact that was invited. This ICANN account can be one that already exists or is created for the purpose of logging into the RSP portal. An organization can have two Primary Users and up to five Additional Users. Users can only belong to a single RSP organization.

Primary Users: Two users are created separately from the others. These are the Primary Users. The first Primary User will be the person who created the organization in the first place and will automatically join the organization. When creating the organization, they will enter the details of themselves and the second Primary User. This is done in the Applicant Entity Stakeholders section of the organization.

The second Primary User will be automatically sent one invite to join the organization, when the organization is created. If they do not accept that invitation within 72 hours, the first Primary can go into the system and re-invite them.

Additional Users: All Additional Users must be added as separate contacts at the bottom of the Applicant Entity Stakeholders section, below the Primary Users, and be issued with an invitation to join. The contact must accept the invitation to become an additional user.

Additional Users cannot be invited to join the organization until the organization has been Confirmed. After being confirmed, Primary Users can go into the Contacts section of the organization and they will see an INVITE button against each contact. Clicking this button will send an email to the contact, inviting them to join that organization as an Additional User.

If any user does not accept the invitation, after 72 hours Primary Users can re-issue their invitation, assuming the organization has been Confirmed.

Summary for creating Additional Users

  1. Create an organization
  2. Include in the organization a contact with an email address that matches that contact's ICANN account email address.
  3. Confirm the organization
  4. Send an invite to the contact to become a user of the organization
  5. The contact must accept the invitation

No invited users will be able to see any organization information until they have accepted an invitation to join the organization. With the exception of the first Primary User, because they created the organization in the first place and were automatically joined.

Summary of User Permissions

ActionsPrimary UsersAdditional Users
Draft and submit an application
View, submit and respond to inquiries
Invite additional users to the organization
Submit an organization change request
Submit an application change request
Withdraw a submitted application
Request extended evaluation

Primary Users get notifications about the organization and its applications. Additional Users will only receive notifications about their own applications.

Users and Applications

RSP applications within an organization can be created, edited, and submitted by any user in that organization (see table of user permission).

While an application is being edited, it will be locked by the user who is editing it. This lock is released when that user closes their edit or after two hours of that user's inactivity. If an edit is closed by the system due to inactivity, any unsaved changes the user has made will be lost.

Once an application has been submitted it is completely locked. Any further changes must be requested by Primary Users through an application change request via the RSP portal.