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Frequently Asked Questions about the Applicant Support Program

Last update: 17 October 2024. This list of FAQs will be updated as the program progresses.

  1. What is the purpose of the Applicant Support Program (ASP)?

    The ASP is intended to make the New Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLD) Program: Next Round application and evaluation processes and fees more accessible to entities that would like to operate a registry but would otherwise be unable to apply, because of financial and resource constraints.

  2. What are some examples of gTLDs and how they are used?

    Top-Level Domains (TLDs) are the names at the top of the Domain Name System (DNS) hierarchy. They appear in domain names as the string of letters following the last dot, such as "NET" in GTLDs are TLDs that do not correspond to any country code. We invite you to consult this section of the ICANN website for case studies that tell the story of several TLDs, including their backgrounds and business objectives.

    While individuals and organizations can register a domain name, the process of applying for a gTLD is much more complex. In fact, when you apply for a top-level domain, you are applying to operate an Internet registry business (a Registry Operator or RO) that supports the DNS.

  3. What qualifies an ASP applicant for support? What are the criteria to qualify?

    Applicant eligibility and evaluation criteria are described in Section 4: Applicant Eligibility and Evaluation Categories, of the ASP Handbook. Based on the current criteria, eligible ASP applicants must meet financial need and financial viability criteria, and fall into at least one of the following entity categories:

    • Nonprofits, charities, or equivalent
    • Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)
    • Indigenous/tribal people's organizations
    • Social impact or public benefit micro- or small-sized businesses
    • Micro- or small-sized businesses from a less-developed economy
  4. What assistance does a qualified supported applicant receive?

    Supported applicants will be eligible to receive the following:

    • An ASP training program.
    • Access to pro bono (volunteer) service providers* that have agreed to volunteer their services to supported applicants.
    • Resources and information for potential applicants to better understand the New gTLD Program, what it means to operate a gTLD, and how to participate in ICANN's multistakeholder community.
    • Access to Applicant Counselors to help answer questions about the gTLD application process and provide guidance on where to find available resources.
    • A 75-85% reduction in New gTLD Program evaluation fees for supported applicants.
    • A bid credit applied to supported applicants participating in contention resolution procedures established in the New gTLD Program: Next Round Applicant Guidebook, which could occur if two or more applications are placed in contention sets. The type of support will be determined as part of the implementation of SubPro Final Report Topic 35 (see pp. 173-182). Further detail around this will be included in the New gTLD Program: Next Round Applicant Guidebook.
    • Reduced base Registry Operator fees, should the supported applicant prevail in the gTLD program evaluation and proceed to contracting and delegation.

    *Pro bono service providers are independent from ICANN. Pro bono services are not endorsed or contracted by ICANN, though ICANN may play a facilitative role in making supported applicants aware of the services available, should applicants seek to utilize them. ICANN is working to identify service providers that have made themselves available and will provide a list of those vendors to supported applicants.

  5. When will I be able to apply for support?
    The ASP is anticipated to open on 19 November 2024 and will remain open for 12 months. ASP applications are expected to be assessed on an ongoing basis. ICANN org retains the option to modify the ASP application submission period and will communicate the change accordingly.

    Important Note: ASP applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early for the following reasons:

    • ICANN has budgeted support for up to 40 applicants at an 85% fee reduction. Should demand exceed this amount, the fee reduction can be reduced to 75% to cover up to 45 supported applicants. However, it is important to recognize program resource limitations.
    • Since ASP evaluations are expected to be conducted on an ongoing basis, the first applicants to apply and qualify for support will be able to take advantage of the resources available. Those that apply after the available resources have been expended may have to wait until future cycles of the program.
      1. For example: an ASP applicant that applies and qualifies for support by April 2025 will have a full 12 months to take advantage of the non-financial support prior to the gTLD application submission period.
      2. In addition, New gTLD Program applicants need time to negotiate with Registry Service Providers (RSPs) in advance of submitting a gTLD application and may want to utilize pro bono (volunteer) services available. Access to additional non-financial support will be most beneficial if the supported applicant has adequate time to utilize those resources
      3. This also avoids a situation where the results of an applicant's ASP evaluation are pending during the gTLD application submission period. This may cause the applicant to have to pay the full gTLD evaluation fee to meet the deadline while waiting for the results of the ASP evaluation. Should the applicant later qualify for support, ICANN org would refund the applicant's supported portion of the gTLD evaluation fee.

    For more information, see Section 3: Applicant Support Program Timeline in the ASP Handbook.

  6. Can governments apply for/qualify for the ASP?

    The ASP has five types of entities that may be eligible for support, assuming the applicant meets other criteria. The five types of eligible entities are:

    • Nonprofits, charities, or equivalent
    • Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)
    • Indigenous/tribal people's organizations
    • Social impact or public benefit micro- or small-sized businesses
    • Micro- or small-sized businesses from a less-developed economy

    A government agency or entity is not one of the five eligible entity types. There may be alternative ways for a government to participate in the ASP. For example, an IGO is an entity created by treaty, involving two or more nations. Another example is that a non-profit organization or a small business may want to partner with a government agency to apply to the ASP–recognizing that, to qualify, ASP applicants may not be affiliated with or controlled by another entity that would not qualify for support.

  7. What is the New gTLD Program: Next Round evaluation fee?

    The evaluation fee is expected to be USD 227,000. The final evaluation fees will be provided in the New gTLD Program: Next Round Applicant Guidebook. Read the fee FAQs and blog for more information.

  8. Can an applicant apply for support for more than one TLD or application?

    Supported applicants will receive reductions on gTLD evaluation fees relating to one gTLD application only. Applicants interested in applying for TLD variants (determined by using the RZ-LGR tool) are advised to consult the New gTLD Program: Next Round Applicant Guidebook. To follow the decision-making process on this topic, please see the community page.

  9. Does ASP support extend to Registry Service Provider (RSP) fees?

    All new gTLD applicants are required to use RSPs that have been successfully evaluated through the RSP Evaluation Program. An RSP applicant looking to be evaluated must pay the RSP fee, which is separate from the gTLD evaluation fee. A gTLD applicant may operate its own back-end services, but it will still need to be evaluated through the RSP Evaluation Program before their gTLD application can be approved.

  10. Will ICANN recommend pro-bono (volunteer) service providers?

    ICANN will recruit volunteer professional services providers and provide a list of them to qualified supported applicants. Supported applicants may contact pro bono service providers directly. ICANN will not recommend specific service providers but may provide opportunities to facilitate awareness of them among supported applicants.

  11. Will applicants be required to reveal the TLD string they intend to apply for in their ASP applications?

    ASP applicants are advised not to submit information about their intended New gTLD Program application string when applying to the ASP. This is to protect the business confidentiality of applicants' information in advance of the opening of the New gTLD Program: Next Round application submission period.

  12. How will contention sets be handled for supported applicants?

    Groups of applied-for strings that are either identical or similar are called contention sets. Contention resolution processes are still under development. More information will be available in the New gTLD Program Applicant Guidebook.

  13. Can a supported applicant be acquired after delegation?

    Supported applicants that progress to delegation will be restricted from assigning the Registry Agreement or from any Change of Control for a period of three years. Assignments that become necessary for the following reasons shall be permitted:

    1. Assignments due to the TLD being unable to meet its financial obligations and unable to secure financing or restructure operations to carry out operations in the short-term
    2. Assignments due to death or retirement of a majority shareholder
    3. Assignments due to EBERO
    4. Assignments to affiliates or subsidiaries
    5. Assignments required by competition authorities
    6. All assignments after such time shall be governed under the then-current Registry Agreement standard provisions; provided that any Assignment or Change of Control after the third (3rd) year, but prior to the seventh (7th) year, shall require the applicant to repay the full amount of financial support received through the ASP Program, including application fees and any bid credit, multiplier, or related benefits, plus an additional ten percent (10%).
  14. Whom can I contact for more information?

  15. Where can I learn more about applying for a new gTLD?

    For more information about applying for a new gTLD, please see the New gTLD Program website.